
Showing posts from September, 2020

Glow of Hope

Before I start let me clear, that I am not a person who is very much into the paintings, arts and craft and all such beautiful and creative artwork. It requires immense patience, dedication, skill a calm and peaceful mind to bring out one good stuff. My friends and colleagues who are into such creative field of work either as a hobby or for bread, if you are reading it, you have my respect, yes, I mean it. Keep up the good work! Now coming to the topic for which I am writing this blog. A couple of months ago when we all were dealing with this lockdown, an idea struck to my mind to bring out few beautiful portraits to a wall in my room, about things that have had a little impact on me in shaping my perspectives with growing age. After surfing the internet, I came across this beautiful watercolour painting “Glow of Hope” by S.L. Haldankar. It was painted in 1945-46, almost seven decades ago, but yet holds the same amount of fascination for art lovers all over the country as it did then....